Coming to Astrology as an Animal Communicator it was only natural that my interest in Astrology would include all aspects of the connection to animals. 

It is through my life and work with animals that assures me without a shadow of a doubt that animals have souls.

When anyone, any being, is born it captures a moment in time and space. It is infused with the energy of the moment it is born. And that’s exactly what an astrology chart is. The blueprint of that moment!

I have been consistently amazed at not only the connection between astrology and animals (see my 11 minute presentation on Astrology and Animals) but how animals express their charts and the undeniable connections with their guardians. 

Astrology and
your spirit animals

I work with the qualities of your spirit or totem animal and the connection with your chart. 

After recognising how the qualities of the animals I feel so connected to were similar to parts of my chart I began to investigate this. 

When we see an animal 3 times or simply feel in awe of an animal that is dear to us, we can consider that our spirit or totem animal. The qualities of that animal are being built and supported in us. 

When I look at the qualities in this animals and where they might be shown astrologically it can give you an added dimension to understanding what your soul is being drawn towards. 

Animal Stars
Facebook Group

Myself and Dr. Katherine O’Connell have set up a Facebook Group to look at the connection between animals and astrology, to talk about our experiences and what we see in guardian’s and their animal’s charts.

We are also on Instagram

And YouTube