All bookings are completed through Tidycal where you can safely and securely book and pay for your session.

I have clients worldwide so for ease all prices are in USD - United States Dollar

Sliding scale always available if needed
Just ask!


You choose the amount you would like to gift – part or full reading. Click the link below.


After an initial birth chart reading, you will be eligible for the readings for established clients at the bottom of this page

90 Minute Birth Chart Reading

An in-depth look at your birth chart.
We can look at one or several areas of your chart – you will get the option to choose what you’d like to look at when booking. 
When you book you will be asked to provide your DATE, TIME and PLACE of birth. 
Once you have had this session you have access to the shorter check in sessions.
For those with an idea of their birth time I can rectify your time of birth as part of a normal birth chart reading. Just let me know you’d like this in the booking. 

SYNASTRY / RELATIONSHIP Chart Reading - Allow up to 2 hours

Relationship astrology takes an in depth look at a specific relationship in your life to help you understand the themes you are facing together and what it is your soul is wanting to learn.

For those with an idea of their birth time I can rectify your time of birth as part of a normal birth chart reading. Just let me know you’d like this in the booking. 

Birth Chart reading with your animal friend – Allow up to 2 hours

An in-depth analysis of your natal / birth astrology chart along with your animal friend’s chart. I can help you understand your animal friend more deeply, where they are coming from, what their challenges might be and how to strengthen your bond to support your life together.
If you have more than one animal friend it is an additional $35 per animal.

For those with an idea of their birth time I can rectify your time of birth as part of a normal birth chart reading. Just let me know you’d like this in the booking. 


This link will take you to Stripe where you can safely and securely pay for your additional animals

The time we are born plays a big part in analysing our chart accurately. It determines our rising sign/ascendant, and which house (area of life) each of the luminaries and planets are placed.
Using poignant dates in your life (marriage, jobs, qualifications, moving home etc) I can find the time you were born. I need at least 3 official dates from your life if you have a marriage date, more if you don’t. I will send you a form to fill out. 
If you only have an idea of morning or afternoon or no time at all I’m open to discussing the possibility of rectification with you – email me at
For those with an idea of their birth time I can rectify your time of birth as part of a normal birth chart reading. Just let me know you’d like this in the booking. 


I have been working with the connection between my spirit animals and my astrology chart. Repeatedly I have seen how the animals who show up in my life have confirmed my journey according to my astrology chart. 
Understanding my chart has helped me to see which qualities and areas of my life these animals are supporting me with which has empowered my journey greatly!
I am now offering to look at the qualities and energies of your own spirit animal and to see the connection in your chart.


For clients who have previously had a birth chart reading with me

25 minute check-in for established clients

These are quick check-in sessions for anyone who has already had a birth chart reading with me. We can look at something specific that has come up for you or you’re wanting to know how a certain transit may affect you.


These are short sessions for anyone who has already had a birth chart reading with me. We can go deeper into a particular issue or look at how the current  transits may be affecting you. 

45 MINUTES with your animal friend for Established clients

These are shorter sessions for those who have had a natal chart reading with me and who would now like to have a session including their animal friends.
If you have more than one animal friend it is an additional $35 per animal.


This link will take you to Stripe where you can safely and securely pay for your additional animals.