Animal Stars
Astrology and animals

Myself and Dr. Katherine O’Connell are excited to share this presentation with you where we looked at the history of the connection between animals and astrology, the philosophers who were both astrologers and animal lovers and how animal communication has taught me that not only do animals have souls, just like humans, but that their astrology charts are also relevant. Working in the field of animal communication I meet people who have re-homed animals from shelters and don’t know their animals date of birth. So I have been working with clients and the time and date when they met their beloved animal friend which I have found incredibly powerful. We also give some tips and a reference page as well as a handout.

The presentation includes English subtitles.


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Astrology and Animals
are they connected?

Coming to astrology as an animal communicator and lover I was extra interested when my teacher, Maurice Fernandez, would talk about animals in relation to astrology. I understood his view was different to most astrologers but he always invited us to feel into what he said and see if it resonated. It always did. This presentation is bringing together all those pieces where animals and astrology meet.

I share the signs that relate to animals, astrology signatures relating to animals, how understanding our astrology charts can give us more information about our spirit and totem animals and that animals also have astrology charts.

Through our animal friend’s charts we can see where they’re coming from, understand their personality and challenges more deeply and it can support our deepening relationships with them (sharing  examples from my own life and animal friends).

25% of proceeds go to the Global White Lion Protection Trust 


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